7th Wexford Documentary Film Festival 2020

11 AM Suitcase Malas Twins

The Wexford Documentary Film Festival would like to take this opportunity to thank all those filmmakers who submitted films to our open call and to congratulate those who have been selected for this year’s festival. The festival received a staggering 1584 submissions from across the globe from locations as diverse as Iran, Turkey, The United States, India and China.

From this abundance of talent, we have selected a wide range of films, which include a mix of local, national and international works. We will be screening 21 films from our popular 3-minute film challenge. In our themed Artist as Activist selection we will be screening documentaries which deal with subjects ranging from minority cultures to the absurdity of the art market.

These films will be screened, to those living in the locality over the course of our festival. More details of the full festival program will be shared over the coming weeks. In response to the unprecedented challenges we are facing, the festival will present a redesigned programme with social distancing measures. We encourage all those filmmakers whose films didn’t get selected to apply again next year.

Stay Safe,

The Wexford Documentary Film Festival Team.
Still from the film –11 AM Suitcase Malas Twins

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